Biacore T200 vs Biacore S200

A systematic collection and analysis of scholarly publications related to Biacore technology in 2021 were conducted. Approximately 1,000 papers were retrieved and text excerpts featuring the term Biacore was extracted. To discern trends and distinctions between Biacore T200 and Biacore S200 instruments, categorization of the data was carried out. Text analysis techniques with the Scattertext library were employed to visualize linguistic patterns and word usage. The objective was to gain insights into language patterns and research themes associated with each instrument category and the broader dataset. This approach offered valuable insights into the scientific community's discourse and focus on these Biacore instruments in real world.

Biacore SPR Trending Words in 2021

A wordcloud image of Biacore SPR trending words from titles of about a thousand of publications in 2021 showed here.

The Big Data of about 1000 Biacore SPR related publications from 2021 were collected from Google Scholar search and processed to extract the trending information about Biacore SPR technologies, such as the most popular and important keywords, titles, authors, journals and publishers, R&D institutions and so on. First of all, a Word-Cloud image was generated from about 13583 words that come from all titles of those 1000 publications. The font size and brightness in the image corresponds to the importance and significance of the words, therefore reflects some kind of trending of Biacore SPR technologies in 2021.

Top 10 Country With the Most Contributions to Biacore SPR Publications in 2023
• 10 India (96)
• 09 Canada (110)
• 08 Sweden (120)
• 07 Switzerland (134)
• 06 Japan (154)
• 05 France (170)
• 04 Germany (268)
• 03 UK (572)
• 02 China (720)
• 01 USA (2284)
The Geography of Biacore SPR in 2023

A recent analysis of 1000 academic papers published in 2023 utilizing Biacore Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technology offers a fascinating glimpse into the current trends and foci within this dynamic field. By pooling the titles of these papers to generate a word cloud (image showed here below) and identifying the top 50 most frequent words, we can glean valuable insights into the key areas of research driving Biacore SPR advancements. Biacore SPR trending words in 2023 publications
PKM2 Discovered in Cancer Development
High quality rapid test kits
Plasma Sample Cleanup by SLE